Kid Quotes

It seems like the kids are always saying the funniest, sweetest, silliest, most precious things.  The challenge is to find a way to write it all down before the moment passes!  Here are a few of my favorites from recent months…


Addison: (talking about a tree in Gramy’s yard) “It still needs precious care, like we do.”

Addison:  “How did it feel to be created by God?  Who was the first baby born in this world?”

Caden:  (thinking about how to make sure the items on his wish list are specific enough)  “Mom, we should put a picture of it on the list…  and the name of the store where you can find it!”

Caden:  (thinking about how to make sure I can tell which items on his wish list are his)  “Mom I wrote it in blue, underlined it, put my name on it and drew arrows.”

Addison:  (when I asked “How about swirl bread with cream cheese for breakfast?”)  “Wasn’t it nice of Mom to be caring of me?  Yeah!  Thank you for thinking of me Mommy!”

Caden:  (the day after the school fundraiser at McDonald’s)  “Mom, I want to go to Old McDonald’s for dinner again!”

Addison:  (describing the wrinkly way my face looked once my cleansing mask had dried) “Mommy, you look like an old woman with ripples.”

Addison:  (telling Travis about her new strategy for not being afraid of the dark) “Tonight I said a prayer.  I asked for the father of the world to do a miracle…  to help me fall asleep fast.”

Caden:  (in response to me saying it was my job to get them to school on time)  “But Mooooom, Getting to Kindergarten on time is NOT important to ME.”

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